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Better Migration Management (BMM)

Most companies, particularly NGOs, frequently consult with skilled specialists to perform specific tasks on active projects. The basic idea is that working with strategically situated professionals ensures quality delivery and a quick turnaround.

GIZ Better Migration Management information booklet design displayed on a laptop screen showing an image of three young ladies reading a book. The title underneath written in bold yellow and white text reads, Jijenge! Connecting Kenyan youth to global opportunities
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Publication Design, Event Management

This project needed a quick turnaround. An event had to be planned and executed in a short time frame. There were a lot of moving parts. A migration information booklet needed to be designed, approved, and printed. An event poster and flyer were also required. There was the pending venue reservation, the need to market the event physically plus on social media to get a wide reach, and sending the invitations.

Two mobile screens showing pages of the BMM information booklet showing the youth enterprise development fund page and an eventbrite ticket sales analysis page

The GIZ/BMM team was visibly skeptical about timely delivery within the short implementation window. However, they decided to award us the event management contract. As part of the Pawa254 event implementation team, I was tasked with the graphic design of the flyers, posters, and information booklet. A colleague who was an active community organizer was selected to ensure maximum physical attendance.

As usual, it was Illustrator to the rescue. My objective was to present all the migration information aesthetically and in an easily digestible way. I added the national landmarks of the various European countries as background images to foster a sense of familiarity for any would-be student migrants. The design and approval process took three days, and the printing process began right after.

Screenshot of a four pages of the BMM information booklet showing Slovakia, Sweden and the BMM Migration app
Screenshot of a two pages of the BMM information booklet showing larger images of the BMM Migration app

With the marketing materials sorted out, the next major challenge was getting derrières on seats. The team handled this by optimizing the event’s marketing efforts. The event posters were pinned strategically on campus noticeboards across Nairobi. Facebook, Twitter, and Eventbrite were the go-to tools for social media marketing. WhatsApp was also quite useful.

The event was a smashing success, and as we had promised the GIZ organizing team, the attendance was well over capacity. We had to turn away the attendees who had not RSVP’d.

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